
Using Systems Concepts for Evaluation: Debate and Dialogue
Posted on August 25, 2023 2:30 PM by Peter Tuddenham
Is Critical Systems Practice the best way to evaluate complex interventions? Distinguished systems theorist Professor Michael C. Jackson of the University of Hull asserts that critical systems practice should replace systems concepts as widely used in evaluation (see the reference to his published article below). With over 50 years as an evaluator, Michael Quinn Patton, disagree. This video is his response to Jackson's critique of the use of systems concepts in evaluation. It is a lengthy response because Jackson's critique deserves an in-depth response covering both theory and practice. The video opens with an overview of the issues being debated and then goes into detail about the opposing points of view. 
Reference: Jackson, M.C. (2022) Critical systems practice 4: Check-Evaluating and reflecting on a multimethodological intervention, Systems Research and Behavioral Science · October.
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