
From the By-Laws
2.2 Objectives. The following objectives are specific to the overall purpose:
7.    To develop, to encourage the development of, and to provide for programs of education in systems thinking and application.
8.    To perform, encourage, and provide for charitable, scientific, literary, and educational acts and works.
Systems Primer
Conceptual Foundations
Systems Literacy Initiatitve
1985 International Directory of Systems Education Programs
More education information for members only.

University Systems Education Programs
USA - Portland State University
The System Science Program at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon offers a PhD and an MS in Systems Science, two Graduate Certificates (Computer Modeling and Computational Intelligence), and an Undergraduate Minor in Systems. Approximately half the curriculum is online, and individual courses can be taken by student not enrolled in a degree or certificate program. Courses taken this way can later be used for a degree or certificate.
Systems Science is a transdisciplinary field that focuses on structural properties (relationships) rather than subject matter. A key focus is learning to create useful models based on theory, data, or both. These include equation-based models, agent-based models, discrete system simulation, as well as various hybrids. Systems theories tend to be abstract and broadly applicable to many subjects (ecology, engineering, social systems, environmental systems, business, …). Examples of key principles are the law of requisite variety (that needed to control a system), limits to growth, prisoners dilemma aka tragedy of the commons, chaotic dynamics and strange attractors, and much more.
See Website for more information or contact
Regularly offered online or hybrid remote/synchronous graduate courses include:
UK - Open University
This MSc has the development of holistic thinking skills and appreciation of multiple perspectives at its core. Systems thinking skills are relevant in many different areas. For example, business, engineering, environment, development, health, IT management, and organisation change. Gain insights into the ways other people think about situations. Learn how to apply concepts, tools and techniques developed by systems thinkers. Develop your own ways of thinking in practice, and become aware of how you can act to bring about improvements in complex situations. Website.
UK - Open University.  Other Courses
UK - University of Hull Centre for Systems Studies
Today’s interconnected world presents novel challenges and opportunities for business and society. The interplay of social, technological, environmental and geo-political factors confronts decision makers with unprecedented complexity. Our challenge is to develop the new concepts and methodological approaches needed to address that complexity.  Website
France - AFSCET
Information on systems education in France Website