From 2019 ISSS has consolidated much of its history in terms of journals, proceedings, publications, posters and videos on this website which can be found under the Library menu tab They sit here in a fairly static set of webpages, PDF documents and video and audi recordings. Some are available to all website visitors and some require membership in ISSS.
In October 2022 ISSS began an initiative led by VP Education Daniel Friedman and supported by Trustee Peter Tuddenham to seek ways to make the records more accessible, searchable and useful. This activity is also called "Knowledge Engineering" and is described on the
knowledge engineering webpage . A meeting every two weeks is exploring ways to operationalize that aspiration. If you wish to join the effort please email eduction at
The term "knowledge management" raises questions that go beyond the technical problems of access. In 2018 Peter Tuddenham when President of ISSS began weekly video meetings that focused on the actions of one Special Integration Group (SIG) each week. These conversations began to build a more living and coherent reality to the activities of ISSS. This practice of weekly video meetings continues as of 12 November 2022. These are all recorded and available for members on this website.
For education programs to reflect the history of the development of systems that hsotory needs to be easily accessed, referrred to, and brought forward as required, relevant and necessary; hence "knowledge management".