ISSS members are engaged in a number of activities that are collaborative in nature and also involve partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. Many of these have Memorandums of Understandings or other arrangements.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems Science Working Group
Systems Sciences Vision and ISSS Vision
In December 2018 James Martin of INCOSE Systems Sciences Working Group (SSWG) asked Peter Tuddenham to give a presentation at the INCOSE international Workshop in Torrance, California in January 2019. In response the team at the College of Exploration created a survey to all the names on ISSS mailing list of nearly 3000. In the span of a narrow time window of less than two weeks 113 people responded. The p
resentation he gave at the INCOSE IW is recorded on Vimeo. This activity for a vision statement for systems sciences and also one for the ISSS organization is ongoing in 2019.
Systems Literacy
Pilot Project on Ethics and Issues on College Campuses
A startup project to encourage systems science and systems thinking on college campuses.
Systemic Action at the Village Level to encourage and support sustainable development.
A project of the Balancing Individualism and Collectivism Special Integration Group in Africa by supporting economic, energy, and education initiatives at the village level including developing smart villages with internet connectivity.
Nature's Enduring Patterns Field Guide
A project started in Corvallis at the 2018 meeting to produce a field guide of isomorphies that facilitate trans disciplinary observations of natural phenomena.