SIG: Research to General Theories

SIG: Research Towards General Systems Theories - Chair: George Mobus and Tyler Volk
George Mobus
Tyler Volk
Purpose: Research Towards General Systems Theories SIG

General Systems Theories (GSTs) are needed to unify the systems sciences under common frameworks of description, analysis and explanation, Steering group: George Mobus, Tyler Volk, Shingai Thornton, BruceMc McNaughton, LynnRasmussen, Rob Young. Contact:

General Systems Theories (GSTs) are needed to unify the systems sciences under common frameworks of description, analysis, and explanation, and open new routes to systems-scientific innovation. This SIG provides a venue for developing and discussing ideas, strategies, frameworks, opportunities, and challenges relevant to research towards developing and applying GSTs.

Topics include:

* Comparing and contrasting candidate approaches to General Systems Theory.

* Refining the concepts central to general systems.

* Identifying principles of behaviors and structures across kinds of systems.

* Discussing the limitations and potentials of GST to facilitate interdisciplinary communication, scientific discovery, and the unity of knowledge.
Papers presented at Annual Meetings
” The General Theory of Dynamics Systemicity” Part 7
Jean-Jacques BLANC
Foundational Concepts Underlying a Formal Mathematical Basis for Systems Science
Kenneth Lloyd
Advanced Special Systems Theory
Kent Duane Palmer
Nested Levels of Organized Systems: A New Model of Multiple Nested Interacting Entropies that Result in the Production of Complexity
James N Rose
What Does Constructor Theory Construct?: Knowledge As a Physical Property
Aleksandar Malecic
The General Theory of Metadynamics Systemicity: Part 6: Neighbourhood and the 4D Neighbouring of things
Jean-Jacques Blanc
Addressing the Whole Whole
Thomas R Marzolf
Footprints of General Systems Theory
Aleksandar Malecic
System Language: Understanding Systems
George Mobus, Kevin Anderson
The Linkage between Systems Thinking and Ethics
William F Roth
Toward a System Type Structure
Thomas R Marzolf
Beyond Systems Philosophy
Further Conceptual Trends in the History of Systems Philosophy From Systems Philosophy to a Philosophy of Schemas
Kent Duane Palmer
General System Theory: Towards the Unification of Science
Manuel Pretel Wilson
The General Theory of Metadynamics Systemicity
Jean-Jacques BLANC
Toward a System Type Structure
Thomas R Marzolf
General Systems Theory and Spirituality and Religion
Somasundaram Rajendran
Philosophical Conditions for Sustainable Outcomes to Complex Systemic Interventions
David Rousseau
The Integration Challenge for the Systems Sciences: Highlighting Internal and External Interconnections
Andreas Hieronymi
Yes, there is a general system principle, No it is not a theory
Thomas M Mandel
General Theory: the Problems of Construction
Serge Patlavskiy
Luis Sancho
TRUE, GOOD AND GENERAL SYSTEM THEORIES: How to Develop and Evaluate Them
Carl Slawski
From Bertalanffy to Discipline-Independent-Transdisciplinarity
Vincent Vesterby
Existing and Emerging Methods for Integrating Theories Within and Between Disciplines
Steve Wallis
 The Papers are not grouped by SIG on