At our 2022 conference, the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) will host
three dialogues among Next Generation Systems Scholars. With these three dialogues, we will
discuss Systems Science, Systems Practice, and Cybernetics. If you would like to participate in
one of these dialogues, please get in touch via the email addresses below. We also welcome
your suggestions for participants that we should invite directly.
In these dialogues, we are particularly interested in questions such as:
- How did you become interested in systems (i.e., systems sciences, systems practice, cybernetics)?
- How does a systems perspective inform the work you do?
- How do you use systems methods and/or models in your work?
- What advances do you see happening in the systems field and what areas do you see as ripe for advancement?
- How might your generation and generations that follow become more familiar and engaged with systems sciences, systems practice, and cybernetics?
We welcome diverse participation from around the world and welcome “next generation”
scholars of any age. If you feel that you fit the description, then you do!
The 2022 ISSS conference will be held online, July 7th to 11th. Over these five days in July, the
conference will take place around the clock, with presentations, workshops, playshops,
and dialogue sessions organized to encourage participation during sessions arranged in periods to fit all time zones.
Scholars that are selected for the Next Generation Systems Scholar Dialogues need not pay a
registration fee to take part in these dialogue sessions. Certainly, we welcome your participation
throughout the conference, and full conference participation would require registration. More
information about the conference is available at:
To express your interest or suggest someone for participation, please contact:
Systems Sciences
George Mobus,
Systems Practice
Gary Smith,
Delia Pembrey MacNamara,
Email subject: Next Generation Systems Scholars