[KEY POINTS] [Obtain Author ID] [Preparing Abstracts] [Submitting Abstracts] [Preparing and Submitting Full Papers] [Preparing and Submitting Posters] [Preparing and Submitting Presentation Slides] [Creative Commons Licensing]
ISSS Journals are now published at https://journals.isss.org with an ISSN of 1999-6918.
Proceedings from 2006 onwards are available at journals.isss.org
Earlier proceedings for ISSS are on this website for members at https://www.isss.org/proceedings/
FOR THE 2025 Conference:
Paper/Presentation categories
Category 1: Complete papers and presentations regarding completed work. The conference team, and/or SIG Chairs will identify which manuscripts are suitable for their category and the paper will undergo a double-blind peer review. The conference committee will identify two reviewers to conduct a review. A selection of authors from this category may be invited to submit an extended/reworked or updated version of the presented paper for review to a special edition of Systems Research and Behavioral Science (SRBS, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10991743a) known as the ISSS Yearbook. Manuscripts that conference team, and/or determine are not suitable for Category 1, will become Category 2 submissions.
Category 2: Reports and presentations on work-in-progress, preliminary results and directions of future work. Full reports suitable for the proceedings of the conference. Authors may wish to incorporate feedback from the conference into future revisions of the work.
Category 3: Presentations of proposed concepts, position papers/essays, or speculative thoughts.
All three categories require extended abstracts (up to 500 words) with submission, abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
Category 1 requires full paper submissions for peer review. Categories 2 and 3 may be proposals for presentations only (except in the case of position papers or essays). All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference team.
A new author should obtain a userid and password at journals.isss.org. Authors who have an account from a previous year can select the LOG IN link and use your existing details.
1. Download the ISSS template for abstracts. This is a Word document. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
2. Open the abstract template using a word processing program that will let you save your abstract as a Microsoft Word .doc file.
3. Complete the fields in the template, including:
4. Abstracts SHOULD NOT exceed 500 words and SHOULD NOT include:
5. Save the document as a .doc file under a name that includes the surname of the lead author, e.g. 2016ISSSAuthor1.doc We cannot use PDF files.
1. Log in at journals.isss.org with the userid and password that you had previously registered. Follow the instructions for uploading the abstract file as detailed below. When you upload your abstract, there is a checklist of requirements that you should meet, including agreement with submitting your work under the Creative Commons License.
2. Under “Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences”, select the role of “Author”. Do not submit it to previous years seen in the dropdown menu as they will not be reviewed.
3. That will take you to the “Active Submissions” page. Click the link under “Start a New Submission”.
4. On the “Step 1. Starting the Submission” page:
5. On the “Step 2: Entering the Submission's Metadata” page:
6. On the “Step 3: Uploading the Abstract file” page:
7. On the “Step 4: Uploading Supplementary Files” page:
8. On the “Step 5: Confirming the Submission" page:
You should receive e-mail notification on the progress of your abstract. If you do not, please email the office to check if the submission is loaded correctly. To check at any time, you can log in and return to the “Active Submissions” page to see the status.
Once your abstract is accepted, you may submit your full paper for publication in the conference proceedings following similar steps to submitting an abstract. Papers should NOT EXCEED 7000 words. Longer papers and papers not using the ISSS style for layout and accurate referencing will be returned to you for further editing.
1. All full papers must use the ISSS style template and be submitted as a Word document. PDF files and files not using the style template will be returned to you for further editing. Files should NOT be anonymized. Editors will manage this process during peer review.
Download the ISSS instructions and TEMPLATE for papers as a Word document.
2. Sign in at journals.isss.org with the userid and password that you had previously registered.
3. Under “Proceedings of the [Current Year] Annual Meeting of the ISSS”, select the role of “Author”.
4. That will take you to the “Active Submissions” page. Click the link under “Step One of the Submission Process”.
5. On the “Step 1. Starting the Submission” page:
6. On the “Step 2: Entering the Submission's Metadata” page:
7. On the “Step 3: Uploading your Paper” page:
8. On the “Step 4: Uploading Additional Supplementary Files” page:
9. On the “Step 5: Confirming the Submission” page:
If you have any problems with this procedure, please contact the ISSS Office at admin@isss.org for help.
An abstract must be submitted and accepted to present a poster. See instructions above for Preparing Abstracts and Submitting Abstracts.
For further instruction on preparing and submitting posters, see our guidelines for a poster.
You are encouraged to submit your presentation slides for the benefit of attendees. You should upload your ppt file in the same way as any other submission using the process above and these will be added to the proceedings.
ISSS proceedings are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
In contrast to the policy of many other conferences, ISSS does not assume the copyright on papers published in the proceedings. We consider our meetings to be venues in which to develop new ideas and collaborate with other members. Therefore the ISSS encourages the contribution of content in many forms and at varying levels of completeness, ranging from early findings through to nearly or completed research. Theoretical, empirical and applied works are all welcomed. Most contributions would generally be classified as “working papers” distributed to peers for comments and discussion. Inclusion into the proceedings does not require transfer of copyright from the original author, nor exclusivity. Thus, the copyright of the work remains available for the author to assign to publishers of external peer-reviewed journals such as Systems Research and Behavioral Science or other mainstream systems publications.