James N [Jamie] Rose
Chair "ISSS General Systems Mathematics and Languaging SIG" [Special Integration~Investigations Group]
June 6, 2024
Minden, NV USA
Chair Jamie Rose
SGSR (now ISSS) was established in 1956 in legal By-Laws which specifically included these stated Objectives:
· To promote the unity of science through improving communications among the specialists in various scientific fields.
· To facilitate transfer of concepts, laws, and models across disciplines and professions.
· To encourage development of theoretical models where they are lacking.
This high endeavor was and remains “science” based … where “science” means careful human analysis using vernacular languages of descriptions and identifications, and also employing its best symbolic language form … Mathematics.
By development and practice, Mathematics is recognized as a universal representative set of depictions and assignments accessible to all cultures and vernacular social languages. It includes computation, geometry, relations, modeling, logic --- temporal and spatial, theoretical and practical, potential and enacted, intangible and formative, intentional and unconditional, causal and acausal, the exact and the inexact, the effected, the possible, the improbable and even the impossible. It was developed to help match our experiences and conceptual interpretations of states and dynamics of most all the phenomena of the world, the universe and our engaging with existence in all its myriad instantiations.
This briefing doc analyzes a series of interconnected papers and excerpts by James N. Rose, focusing on the core concepts of the "Integrity Paradigm". This paradigm explores consciousness, information theory, and the fundamental nature of reality, drawing connections to mathematical principles like calculus and set theory.