The 65th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
#ISSS2021 ONLINE, 7-13 July 2021
The Art and Science of the Impossible: The Human Experience
Delia Pembrey MacNamara, President
The Conference is now completed. Recordings are available on the cvent site for registered participants.
Over coming months keynotes and presentations will be copied to ISSS.ORG for members only.
The Call for Papers is CLOSED. No more abstracts are being accepted.
Organised by the American Society for Cybernetics and the British Cybernetics Society
Cybernetics at #ISSS2021 #1: In Search of a Critical Cybernetics - A Call for Papers
Cybernetics at #ISSS2021#2: Practising Cybernetics in Discussion - A Call for Questions
Cybernetics at #ISSS2021#3: Open call
Nora Bateson - The international Bateson Institute
Daniel Dick - It's about consciousness and compassion
Felix Tretter - The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, & Bavarian Academy for Addiction and Health Issues
Christopher Chase - Creative By Nature
Paul Pangaro-ASC President
Kerry Lunney- INCOSE President
Anthony Hodgeson-The Present Moment
Pam Buckle and Rika Preiser-IFSR-Update
Gerald Midgley- A systems theory of marginalization and its implications for systemic intervention
Allenna Leonard-A VSM reflection on US democracy and Politics
Dennis Finlayson-Crisis Conflict and Disasters
Howard Silverman-Currencies as cybernetic objects
Sue Gabriele- GEMS RoundTable
Marty Jacobs-ISSS Book Club
Special Tracks
Panel Discussions
Shankar Sankaran- Environmental Justice Panel
The Future is Humanistic : Infusing Compassion in the Systems Thinking world
Nnaumrata Singh, Marty Jacobs, Sue Gabriele-
~ Circles, Dialogues and RoundTables as levers for Individual and Community Emancipation
In this women-led panel, we explore three potent tools that enable us to embody inclusion in group settings so that we may tap into collective wisdom.
More Panel sessions and workshops are being developed.
TIME ZONES: We will have attendees from around the world. The program is being designed to recognize we all need sleep. Every effort is being made to allow for comfortable participation from all time zones. Keynotes and plenaries will be programmed when the majority can attend live. For attendees in Australia and New Zealand the opening day is 7th July.
Submit an abstract for papers and posters at the conference.
Call for Papers, Workshops,and Presentations We are seeking papers and presentations covering areas of systems science, use of systems approaches in applications or subject sciences (natural and social), concept or position papers, and speculative (novel) thinking. Most submissions should indicate a target SIG venue. If, however, there may not be a suitable SIG, the proposal may be considered for non-aligned paper sessions. Submissions related to the theme of the conference are especially encouraged, but not required.
Paper/Presentation categories
Category 1: Complete papers and presentations regarding completed work. A selection of authors will be invited to submit an extended/reworked or updated version of the presented paper for review to the Systems Research and Behavioral Science (SRBS, special issue known as the ISSS Yearbook.
Category 2: Reports and presentations on work-in-progress, preliminary results and directions of future work. Full reports suitable for the proceedings of the conference.
Category 3: Presentations of proposed concepts, position papers/essays, or speculative thoughts.All three categories require extended abstracts (up to 500 words) with submission, abstracts to be published in the conference proceedings.
Category 1 requires full paper submissions for peer review. Categories 2 and 3 may be proposals for presentations only (except in the case of position papers or essays). All abstracts will be reviewed by SIG chairs.Proposals for workshops or poster sessions should be sent to no later than June15, 2021. All paper abstracts must be submitted to Abstract acceptance MUST be obtained prior to submitting full papers.
Full papers for the double-blind peer reviewed sessions should be submitted after acceptance of the abstract but no later than June 15th,2021, with the abstracts submitted no later than April 30, 2021. Notice of acceptance will be given no later than May 15 2021. Earlier submissions will lead to earlier notifications as the ISSS will review and approve proposals on a rolling basis.
Requests for pre-conference workshops and workshops during the conference are no longer being accepted.
Open Now - early bird pricing to 31 May 2021
Conference Update from Jennifer Makar, VP Administration.